Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Caesar Chicken Fingers with Carrot Fries and Honey Mustard Dipping Sauce

Welcome to Day 3 of "Magazine Meal Plan Week" as well as my "What's Cooking Wednesday Meal" . Although this meal sounds WONDERFUL on paper and even looks delicious, in reality it was just decent. The "Fries" were not crispy at all - they were super wimpy, but they DID taste good and I LOVE that they are Carrots. The Chicken was good, but the breading fell off easily due to the Caesar Dressing underneath. The Dip was yummy and I think I'll use that recipe any time I need a good Honey Mustard Sauce. So overall not a huge failure, but also not a huge success.

Today I did a fun Autumn craft with my son. I got the idea from Sugar and Shimmer. This lady is truly a craft/baking whiz, you should check her out. And although the craft was a big trial for my patience, my 33 month old and I had fun and I think it turned out pretty cool and now it rests on my door.
Remember you can always follow me on Facebook, so stop by @ Meal Plan-it  and keep up to date!! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link, Jill!
    I am fascinated by the concept of carrot fries. I think I'm going to have to try them :)



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